Saturday 23 January 2016

Cats Facts

1. Cats are the most popular pet in the United States: There are 88 million pet cats and 74 million dogs.

2. There are cats who have survived falls from over 32 stories (320 meters) onto concrete.

3. A group of cats is called a clowder.

4. Cats have over 20 muscles that control their ears.

5. Cats sleep 70% of their lives.

6. A cat has been mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, for 15 years. His name is Stubbs.

7. In tigers and tabbies, the middle of the tongue is covered in backward-pointing spines, used for breaking off and gripping meat.

8. When cats grimace, they are usually “taste-scenting.” They have an extra organ that, with some breathing control, allows the cats to taste-sense the air.

9. Cats can’t taste sweetness.

10. Owning a cat can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack by a third.

11. The world’s largest cat measured 48.5 inches long.

12. A cat’s purr may be a form of self-healing, as it can be a sign of nervousness as well as contentment.

13. Evidence suggests domesticated cats have been around since 3600 B.C., 2,000 years before Egypt’s pharaohs.

14. Similarly, the frequency of a domestic cat’s purr is the same at which muscles and bones repair themselves.

15. Adult cats only meow to communicate with humans.

16. The world’s richest cat is worth $13 million after his human passed away and left her fortune to him.

17. Cats are often lactose intolerant, so stop giving them milk!

18. Basically all cartoon cats lied to us: Raw fish is off the table for cats as well.

19. Cats make more than 100 different sounds where as dogs make around 10.

20. Cats have 1,000 times more data storage than an iPad.

21. It was illegal to slay cats in ancient Egypt, in large part because they provided the great service of controlling the rat population.

22. A house cat is faster than Usain Bolt.

23. Cats have scent glands along their tail, their forehead, lips, chin, and the underside of their front paws.

24. A cat rubs against people to mark its territory.

25. Cats lick themselves to get your scent off.

26. When a family cat died in ancient Egypt, family members would shave off their eyebrows as they mourned.

27. They also had elaborate memorials that included mummifying the cat and either burying it in a family tomb or pet cemetery.

28. Cats were mythic symbols of divinity in ancient Egypt.

29. Black cats are bad luck in the United States, but they are good luck in the United Kingdom and Australia.

30. Most cats don’t like water because their coats do not insulate them well enough.

31. However, a cat called the Turkish Van does not have that insulation problem and LOVES it.

32. The Egyptian Mau is the oldest breed of cat.

33. This breed is also the fastest pedigreed cat.

34. The Egyptian word for cat is, in fact, “mau.”

35. The largest litter of kittens produced 19 kittens.